
The Only Thing to Fear is…

Halloween is here, as are the horror movie marathons on AMC, the SyFy Channel and the like. And if you’re anything like me, you’ll find the reruns of Friday the 13th, Halloween, and The Grudge easy to watch in the...

Eating, Exercise

Dadvice: Eating and Exercise

We’ve all heard the old wives tale about swimming, eating and the waiting period necessary to avoid “calling dinosaurs.” I’m pretty sure we’ve debunked this one but I’d like to present a similar piece of advice, free for critique and...


The Danger of Role Models

I’m a sports junkie. I’ve been known to ingest football at unhealthy levels, to the point where the number of hours watched in a single sitting exceed the number of hours of daylight in an early Fall day.  I’ve also...


The Importance of Work

The 267-page Freeh report came out last week detailing former FBI director Louis Freeh’s findings in the Penn State Child Abuse case. Suffice it to say that multiple, high-ranking men, with the power to do something, knew of Jerry Sandusky’s despicable acts...