
My Son, The Loser

Not a loser in the derogatory sense that would breed shame and embarrassment in his parents like a glowing ember of humiliation fanned by the winds of failure. At least I hope not. We haven’t even met the kid yet. 

wedding couple sitting on green grass in front of body of water at sunset

My Wife, The Good Sport

I feel bad for my wife sometimes. For one, I tricked her into marrying me, somehow. And the poor women hasn’t figured out that she’s so amazing that she could have convinced any man on the planet to put a...


Baseball Rant: Doctored Baseballs

After hearing about the recent ejection and 8-game suspension of Tampa Bay Rays pitcher Joel Peralta for using pine tar to improve his grip, I started confusing myself trying to figure out the backwards logic of most pitchers. And I have...

crowd reflection color toy

Family Leadership

Recently, I checked out Michael Hyatt’s website and found this great guest post from Dave Stone. It’s directed towards dads but could just as easily have been directed towards all parents. The gist of the article is about family leadership...

male and female signage on wall

Boy or Girl?

We found out the sex of our baby the other day. I finally wore my wife down enough to convince the sonographer to write down the sex and put it in a sealed envelope. It took all of 4 minutes...