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My Foray into Blogging

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I had a thought the other day that it might be interesting for my child to, someday, be able to look back and see what it was like to raise him or her.  To get an inside look at what Dad was going through.  Keeping a diary briefly crossed my mind, but there’s something about sharing stories and struggles with others that’s somewhat liberating. Plus, I’ve never been a diary-writing kind of guy.

A quick reset so that everyone is up to speed: My beautiful bride told me she was pregnant last December. About a week later, I finally believed her. So, I picked up my lower jaw and went to the task of mentally preparing myself to be a father. It’s May and I still don’t know exactly what that involves. I’ve got some books but I’m not naive enough to believe that they have all the answers, or even some of them. But I was watching the Freakonomics documentary the other day and heard something in passing that intrigued me: Buying pregnancy and parenting books won’t magically turn a bad parent into a good parent or a first timer into a prepared veteran. But the fact that someone is willing to cough up some cash for those types of books and invest the time into reading them is more telling of their potential to be a quality parent than the supposed knowledge gained in absorbing the information contained therein.  So, I guess I’m on the right track…

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