low angle shot of a child held by woman and man on on each hand walking on an unpaved pathway outdoors

Milestone Update

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We celebrated the boy’s first birthday about a month ago. At just about the same time, he figured out that crawling was for babies and decided to give walking a try. He hasn’t stopped since. It has its advantages as far as being a parent of a walking small person is concerned: He’s actually a tiny bit slower than he was as a rug rat, which is good for supervision purposes but the bad news is he’s deadly silent walking on carpet…like a diapered ninja.

I have already found myself wandering around the house looking for him and thinking, “What reason could I possibly give to the cops/my wife that would release me from any liability for losing a child?” He’s also learned that face-planting while walking is worse than face-planting while crawling and he has the bumps and cuts to prove it.

He’s started to become more vocal too. We can tell he wants to talk and everything he says comes out as either the first syllable of the noun he’s trying to pronounce or an eyeball-blood-vessel-popping yell. There is rarely a happy-medium. And for some reason, “no” is quickly becoming his favorite word. Perhaps because he hears that word a lot when he sneaks around the house ninja-style and starts opening cabinet doors and looking longingly at an eye-level outlet.

And the mimicking…oh the mimicking. I can already tell there will be a closed-door conversation in my future regarding something my son saw daddy do. I’ve got to learn to stop flipping off the TV when I see “Flo” in her 8,000th Progressive Insurance commercial.

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