dentist and boy

Man Trivia: Babies and Dental Patients

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Q: In what state does every parent live when their child begins teething?

A: A perpetual state of drool.

My wife and I asked to live in this state. We wanted this. And it’s not our own drool, of course. It’s teething time in Texas and we’ve become accustomed to wiping off just about any surface that drool can attach itself to. It’s usually our own clothes, though. We’ve got a 1.5-toothed child that acts like a dental patient that just had a tooth removed: there’s uncomfortable fussing and, as though the novacaine hasn’t worn off yet, anything that goes into the mouth has a really tough time staying there. You know when you go into certain places that have a distinct smell and you then take on that smell, usually for worse, for the rest of the day? That’s like our son, only instead of a smell, it’s slobber.

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Comments (1)

  • Haha. There are just SO MANY OF THESE TOOTH THINGS! My 14 month old is still drooling, whining and shoving his hand in his mouth at every opportunity. The drool does get a little better as they control it more over time, but when those teeth are just exploding out of the gums at a phenomenal speed, it’s game on! Hope your little man handles it well and is sleeping OK!

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