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Part of the Entourage

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I’ve almost managed to make it 4 months as Dad and from what I can tell, it hasn’t been a complete and utter failure…yet. My son is still healthy and growing and has recently figured out how to roll from his back to his belly. In fact, since he’s figured out this maneuver, he feels it necessary to show us, all the time. While he’s being changed. While he’s being held. While he’s sitting in his car seat. But his mother and I find it highly entertaining to hear him attempt this. Just imagine the sounds an Olympic weightlifter might make while training combined with the consequences of a zero fiber diet and you’ll get the idea. But one of the coolest developments I’ve noticed is in taking him out in public. It’s like showing up on the red carpet with the star of a premier; I’m certainly not the reason for the excitement, but I know a guy. I’m a friend of the band.

We sat down the other night at a restaurant and I noticed a group of girls looking over at our table. It clearly wasn’t for me. But it was as though a rock star was joining us for dinner and were merely his entourage. My son also noticed the girls, gave them a sly wink and they turned away and giggled. Maybe that part is just wishful thinking. But it’s fascinating to me that someone so tiny, with still so much of his personality yet to develop, can demand so much attention and adulation.

I hardly get any eye contact anymore but people sure are friendly as we pass by. Some even take it upon themselves to have a one-sided conversation with my little celebrity. But he’s way too cool to give them a verbal response. Just a crooked smile is all. Still some go out of their way to open a door or hold an elevator like he’s the prettiest girl at the party that all the guys can’t wait to do something for. I’ve told him to enjoy it while it lasts because the next time in his life that’s he’s bald, toothless, and incoherent, he won’t be considered so cute. But he doesn’t seem to listen well.

If only he can hold onto that magnetic charm until college…look out ladies!

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