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Man Trivia: The Dishwasher

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Q: Did you know the appliance we refer to as a “dishwasher” has been poorly branded and does not do what it says it does?

A: Apparently, the dishes need to be washed BEFORE they are placed in the dishwasher. And apparently, I “do the dishes wrong!” Silly me, to think that something branded as a dishwasher for years does not do what the name implies. It should be renamed the “Hot Water Spray Box That Will Inevitably Flip Over a Cup or Piece of Tupperware Leaving Behind Gross, Somehow Dirty Water” or a HWSPTWIFOACOPOTLBGSDW for short. But the paradox: Why do we need to fill the “dishwasher” with “dishwashing detergent” if it’s not made to perform the washing of the dishes?

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Comments (2)

  • You’re lucky to have a HWSPTWIFOACOPOTLBGSDW, or maybe not. When people see our kitchen, they always say, “You don’t have a dishwasher!?!?”. To which my huband, jokingly says, “Yeah I do. She’s right there!”. Ha! Actually, I really dont mind doing the dishes by hand. I do them after ever meal and I never have to deal with that burnt-on, crusted-on mess.

    • I don’t know if I could get away with saying something like that in my house without a bruise or two. I went a year in college without a dishwasher and swore I would never do it again. But you’re right, sometimes our “modern conveneniences” open up the door for a whole new set of problems like the milk that magically glues the spoon to the bowl if you don’t rinse it.

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